Hola amigos, Mike here:
If you are visiting this page, grrrrrreat (said in a Tony the Tiger voice)–that means you got our newsletter, read it, and want to see our car accident complaint… awesome!
To download our “Go-To” Car Crash Complaint, click here for the word version or click here for the PDF. I hope this helps you.
In each of our future newsletters I plan to attach something that we use to help our clients, which maybe you can use to help yours. For next time, I am thinking about sending our internal system for responding to discovery, which makes life around here so much less stressful. But, if you have a better idea, shoot me over an email (mike@rafilawfirm.com) or call me (cell: 404-823-2280).
And of course, please reach out if I can help you with anything; if you want to talk shop; or if you want to buy me a beer… that would be good too.
Last thing… if you hop over to LinkedIn and add/follow me, you can catch my daily tip of the day.
Happy lawyering.