Were you or a loved one hurt in Alpharetta because someone else acted carelessly or dangerously? You need experienced legal representation to pursue possible compensation for your injuries and property damage. Instead of being overwhelmed by insurance companies or defense attorneys, turn your frustrations over to an Alpharetta personal injury lawyer from Rafi, Brown, and Stokes.

Our highly-qualified attorneys and staff are committed to helping injured people recover after a car crash, slip-and-fall, workplace injury, or any other type of personal injury. We listen compassionately to every detail so we can fully understand how your life has been affected by your injuries. Your attorney will make sure your story is told in a way that secures the justice and compensation you deserve.

Our practice areas

Rafi, Brown, and Stokes has successfully handled hundreds of the following types of cases:

Steps to take after being hurt

After suffering a personal injury, you may be confused, disoriented, and in pain. Acting to protect yourself and your potential claim can be difficult, but there are some critical steps you can take.

1. Find a safe place away from the source of the injury

Your first priority is to get yourself to a place of safety. Find somewhere close to the scene where you can gather your thoughts and call for help. If you cannot move or feel unsure, ask a person nearby to assist you.

2. Call 911

Dial 911 or ask someone to do this for you. Having medical and police reports can be invaluable to your insurance claim or lawsuit. Accepting medical treatment at the scene establishes a connection between your accident and your injuries, helping your attorney build a robust case.

3. Take notes and photos of the scene

If you are physically able, begin gathering evidence or ask someone nearby to take photographs of your injuries, any property damage, the weather, the environment, and any other details that could be important later on. You could even hit ‘Record’ on your phone and capture audio that may be helpful later on.

4. Collect contact information from witnesses

Get details of those who hurt you and those who witnessed the event. Your Alpharetta personal injury attorney will speak with these individuals and bring them in to testify during court proceedings if needed.

5. Keep a written or digital record of your experience in the minutes, hours, and days after the accident

Maintaining a written, voice, or video log of how you feel can be essential in establishing a timeline of the event and its effects on your life. A clear record can support your claim for damages by your Rafi, Brown, and Stokes personal injury lawyer in Alpharetta.

6. Visit your primary care physician or specialist

After you are treated at the scene, be sure to schedule a visit with your primary care doctor. Take their orders seriously and follow them completely.

7. Speak with an attorney

After getting medical treatment, speak with a top-tier Alpharetta, GA personal injury lawyer from Rafi, Brown, and Stokes. We take the legal burden off your shoulders and work to put together a powerful case. We can also help receive medical treatment so you can focus on recovery while we work on maximizing the amount of your potential personal injury claim.

Don’t miss the deadline to file your personal injury claim

Georgia has a statute of limitations, or deadline of two years from the date of your injury to file a personal injury claim. At Rafi, Brown, and Stokes, your Alpharetta personal injury lawyer will ensure that all your materials are submitted correctly and on time so you do not miss your opportunity for financial recovery.

Possible damages you can claim

Damages are the financial compensation you claim for reimbursement from the parties who are liable for your injuries and property damage. There are two main types of damages you can claim.

Economic damages

These have a fixed price tag and include medical expenses (including present and future), lost income, and any other out-of-pocket costs associated with your injury.

Pain and suffering

In Georgia, pain and suffering includes damages like loss of enjoyment of life, loss of earning capacity, physical impairment, fear, shock, past and future actual pain and suffering, and past and future mental anguish. These are real damages, but they’re difficult to prove and only a skilled attorney can secure them on your behalf.

How to find the right personal injury lawyer for your needs

The right attorney should put you at ease and make you feel comfortable working with them. At Rafi, Brown, and Stokes, we remember that every client has a choice for legal representation and we value those who put their trust in us. Your Alpharetta injury attorney will work hard to handle the legal complexities but never lose sight of our clients who deserve to feel respected and important.

We’ll fight the insurance company to get you maximum compensation

Insurance companies do not like paying claims. They would rather keep money in their pockets than hand it over to you. They will delay, point the finger at you, and deny your compensation demands to pay you as little as possible. But we aren’t intimidated – our skilled Alpharetta personal injury lawyers will aggressively negotiate to secure all the reimbursement you deserve.

We begin preparing for the courtroom from the beginning but work to get a satisfactory settlement as soon as possible. We push back hard to show insurance adjusters we will not back down on your case.

Parties who may be liable for your injury

Your injury may result from a car crash, a hazard in a store, or some other cause. At Rafi, Brown, and Stokes, we investigate to uncover every potential party who could be liable. This is because each potential defendant should have their own insurance policy. The more insurance is available, the more compensation you may be able to collect.

We can work to hold multiple people or companies accountable and maximize your possible compensation. This could include other drivers, criminals who commit assault, or negligent store owners.

How our injury attorneys prove liability

Before being compensated, you must show that the person who hurt you was negligent or careless. Our team of personal injury attorneys will gather and present evidence proving the four elements of negligence:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care
  • They failed in upholding that duty
  • You suffered injuries as a direct result
  • You have expenses from your injuries

Demonstrating liability allows us to support your claim for compensation for all your needs. We construct a compelling narrative that convinces a jury that you have been hurt and deserve justice.

Personal injury lawsuit process

There are several steps in the personal injury lawsuit process. We walk you through each of these and help you feel comfortable knowing what to expect along the journey.

1. Legal consultation

We meet with you, learn your story, and explain your options for seeking compensation. One of our Alpharetta personal injury lawyers will ask questions to help determine whether you have a viable case. We’re happy to meet with you over the phone, via Zoom, or in person.

2. Accident investigation

We thoroughly examine what caused your accident, who is responsible, and what your potential financial damages are.

3. File demand for compensation

We create an estimate of your reimbursement needs and send a demand letter to those responsible. Unlike other firms, we create unique demand letters each time – too many attorneys send copy-and-paste demand letters that make it all too easy for insurance companies to “offer” low settlements.

4. Negotiation

We go back and forth with insurance adjusters to reach a fair and appropriate settlement that covers your past, present, and future estimated expenses related to the incident.

5. File a lawsuit

First, we file a lawsuit with the appropriate court, then serve (notify) the defendant with the lawsuit.

6. The discovery process

“Discovery” is the process of requesting and providing information relevant to a case with the other party. We can ask the defendant to provide documents, videos, photos, or other pieces of evidence or information. The defendant can ask you for these things as well, and they’ll probably ask to speak with witnesses, including your doctors – these “question sessions” are called depositions.

7. Mediation

Once the discovery process is complete, we move on to mediation. Mediation is a way to find a middle ground in an effort to resolutely and respectfully resolve the case. Most cases settle at or before mediation.

8. Trial

If the other party refuses to offer a fair settlement, the last step is to go to trial. A trial is when a jury decides whether the defendant is responsible, and if so, how much they should compensate the plaintiff for their injuries and losses.

9. Appeal

A party may appeal when they believe the judge did something wrong during the trial. The Georgia Court of Appeals handles appeals in personal injury cases. If the case is appealed again, the Supreme Court will review the case and agree or disagree with the Court of Appeals. If an appeal is unsuccessful, the verdict usually stands. If the appeal is successful, then the verdict is overturned and another trial may be necessary.

Why it’s important to visit the doctor

Delaying medical treatment could be costly to your health and to your case. Some injuries might seem minor to you, but they could have significant and long-term impacts without prompt medical attention to prevent injuries from worsening.

After you have been hurt, you must follow up with a visit to your primary care doctor and any specialists. This maintains the crucial link between the accident and your suffering. Otherwise, insurance companies and opposing counsel can argue you do not deserve all the financial recovery you are seeking.

Our Alpharetta personal injury lawyers can help you connect with physicians who can provide an estimate of your future expenses to avoid a financial crisis for you and your family.

Cost of hiring a personal injury lawyer

At Rafi, Brown, and Stokes, we know you might worry about paying an attorney on top of facing your medical bills. We are paid on a contingency basis, meaning we do not get paid until and unless we win your case. That means the better we do for you, the better we do for ourselves, so you can rest assured we’ll do everything in our power to secure a favorable outcome. If we don’t win, you owe us nothing.

We do not treat you like a paycheck. Instead, you are a member of the team and we work closely with you to recover the money you need to heal from your injuries.

Why hire Rafi, Brown, and Stokes – Injury Lawyers

Rafi, Brown, and Stokes stands apart with our commitment to excellence and our tenacious approach to fighting for our clients.

We have the training, experience, and dependability you need to ensure you have superior legal representation. Standing up to powerful insurance companies is not something you should do alone. Instead, trust our top-rated firm so you can focus on healing.

Our Alpharetta personal injury lawyers are here to help

When you or a loved one have been hurt in an accident or in any other situation that was due to someone else’s carelessness, do not try to handle your case by yourself. Insurance and defense lawyers are experts in their fields and they know how to play the game to make sure you lose.

Let a skilled injury lawyer with Rafi, Brown, and Stokes build a powerful strategy for you to fight back against their underhanded tactics. We fight hard for your cause and will not let you down. Call us today at (404) 948-3311 or use our online form to schedule your free consultation today.