Your life can be turned upside down in the event of a severe injury. For many, it’s a struggle to return to normalcy or even get back to work. Unfortunately, accidents can never be entirely avoided, but something can be done when someone else’s careless actions shatter your life.

At Rafi, Brown, and Stokes, we are trained for situations in many types of personal injury law. Our Georgia personal injury lawyers team is always ready to fight for you and your recovery. By giving us a call, we can offer you a free consultation to speak more about your next steps when the time comes to file your personal injury claim.

Our personal injury practice areas

You can trust Rafi, Brown, and Stokes to provide the understanding and support you need to recover fully from your injury. We provide exceptional legal representation in the following areas:

  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Wrongful death claims
  • Slip-and-falls
  • Brain and spinal cord injuries
  • Injuries resulting from negligent security
  • Work injuries
  • Victims of sexual assault

Our hard work pays off for clients

Ultimately, we work hard to offer an understanding of the law and your legal processes. When you choose us, you choose a team with over 18 years of experience in personal injury law. On top of this, we have also secured millions of dollars for our clients. We let our track record speak for itself.

How much does it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer in College Park?

Our commitment to clients is reflected in our contingency fee structure. You incur no fees unless and until we win your case. We also offer free case consultations, letting you decide if we’re the right firm for you without making a financial commitment.

What should I do after being hurt?

Keep a cool head and follow these steps:

  1. Call 911 and request an ambulance and police assistance.
  2. Gather evidence at the accident scene by using your phone to take photos and videos. Get contact information from witnesses who may provide statements regarding the incident.
  3. Visit Urgent Care or your primary care physician for a thorough examination. Maintain a detailed medical record, including all medical bills and doctor’s notes, as it serves as valuable evidence for your case.
  4. Schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in College Park. The sooner you reach out to us, the quicker we can initiate the claims process on your behalf.

How long do I have to file a claim?

In Georgia, the standard timeframe for starting a personal injury claim is two years from the incident date. Timely action is essential; allowing the statute to expire results in the forfeiture of the opportunity to pursue legal action and seek compensation.

Exceptions to the rule in Georgia

Some circumstances warrant more than two years to file a claim:

  • If an accident victim becomes aware of their injury after some time has elapsed since the incident, the statute of limitations is tolled (delayed) until the victim becomes aware of their injury.
  • In cases where the defendant or their attorney presents fraudulent evidence, exceptions may apply, extending the statute of limitations.
  • When the victim is a minor, the statute of limitations is extended until their 18th birthday. This extension provides them ample time to recognize the injury and file a case.

What damages can I claim?

“Damages” is another word for the losses you experienced as a direct result of the incident that caused your injury. They typically fall into two categories: economic and non-economic (pain and suffering) damages.

Economic damages

Economic damages encompass tangible costs such as:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Pain medications
  • Specialist treatments
  • Lost wages due to time away from work
  • Property damage

college park personal injury lawyer

Non-economic (pain and suffering) damages

Non-economic, or “pain and suffering” damages includes emotional distress, mental anguish, and the loss of quality of life.

Assessing pain and suffering damages presents a unique challenge as they typically lack a predefined amount or bill. Drawing upon decades of successful experience, our skilled College Park personal injury attorneys specialize in advocating for compensation related to pain and suffering.

What should I look for in a good personal injury attorney?

The outcome of your case will likely depend on who you choose to represent you. You want a College Park personal injury law firm on your side that has the following qualities:

  • Years of experience handling cases with your specific injury
  • Successful track record
  • Positive reputation
  • Trial experience
  • Strong communication
  • Personal compatibility

We’ll fight the insurance company to get you maximum compensation

The personal injury laws in Georgia are clear that victims should be compensated for the losses that another party has caused. However, it’s very common for insurance companies to try to minimize this compensation. With our 18 years of experience, attorneys at Rafi, Brown, and Stokes know all insurance adjusters’ tricks and can actively fight against this to get you the rightful amount of compensation.

Who’s liable for my injury?

“Liability” is another way of saying someone is responsible for your injury, and therefore for the damages related to your injury. Potentially liable parties include the following:

  • Another motorist
  • Property owner, manager, or landlord
  • Government entity
  • Doctor or other medical professional

Please note that this is not a complete list of all potentially liable parties. Your College Park personal injury attorney will weigh the evidence, speak with witnesses, and look at the necessary facts to determine which other parties may be held liable.

How our injury attorneys prove liability

Four elements must be established in order to prove liability:

  1. Duty of care – This element sets the standard for the actions that a “reasonably prudent person” would take in a similar situation.
  2. Breach of duty – Did the responsible party act carelessly or recklessly, causing an unsafe environment and breaching their duty of care?
  3. Causation – Your lawyer must demonstrate that the defendant’s actions directly caused or were the proximate cause of your injuries. This causal relationship is crucial for proving the defendant’s liability and justifying the compensation owed for your damages.
  4. Damages – The damages element encompasses your losses, including physical and emotional damages.

What’s the personal injury lawsuit process?

When you seek our assistance, Rafi, Brown, and Stokes will customize the legal process to better meet your needs. Here is what you can generally expect.

1. Contact the defendant

Upon determining liability, this person or persons will be contacted and notified that you have made a claim.

2. Gather evidence

The legal team will work hard to find evidence leading to what has occurred and caused your injuries. They will speak with witnesses and experts and examine all photos and videos taken from the scene of the accident.

3. Negotiate out of court

Of course, we will always try and settle a claim before going to trial. Known as a settlement offer, the insurance companies and other parties will decide if it’s fair to them or not. This settlement offer will ensure the most amount of money is received in the shortest amount of time.

4. Initiate court proceedings

If nothing is agreed on or settled out of court, trial will occur. At this point, we will fight hard and do what’s needed to collect the proper amount of compensation.

Why do I need to go to the doctor?

As stated before, some injuries might take some time to become apparent. If this is the case, seeking professional medical assistance is important for a few reasons. First, you will be checked out thoroughly and can receive medical assistance if needed.

Secondly, documentation is key if you want your claim to go smoothly and all losses recovered. Seeing a medical professional following an accident within 48 hours will establish a detailed list of losses and expenses. From there, you will be able to prove the party responsible has directly caused you injuries that are a loss of money.

Why should I hire Rafi, Brown, and Stokes?

Our dedicated attorneys are always fully committed to ensuring that those who put you at risk and caused you injuries are held responsible. Using our extensive experience and legal knowledge, we make sure you rest easy and focus on your recovery while we fight for your rights.

The primary objective at Rafi, Brown, and Stokes is to secure a maximum amount of compensation for you and your losses. This will give you the support and life you deserve moving forward.

Our College Park personal injury lawyers are here to help

Having the right attorney by your side is critical for getting the compensation you need. Protect your rights and secure your future by working with Rafi, Brown, and Stokes – Injury Lawyers. Contact us at (404) 800-9933 to schedule your free case consultation.