Daylight Saving Time. It seems people either love it or hate it, with very few falling in between. We spring ahead in March and fall back in November. We can thank a desire to save energy during the first two World Wars and nationwide adoption of the practice in 1966 for that groggy feeling most of us are walking around with.

If you are like many people, you will feel a bit out of sorts for at least a week after each time change. That out-of-sorts feeling has been shown to lead to a heightened risk of vehicle collisions. Experts suggest that there are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe this week and next.

Stay true to your “normal” sleep and wake time for the first couple days and then adjust them slowly. For example, if you are typically in bed at 9, go to bed at 8 for a couple of days. Adjust the time you are going to bed by 15 minutes until you hit 9 p.m. If you normally wake at 6, get up at 5 for a couple of days and slowly adjust your wake time by 15 minutes until you are opening your eyes when the clock says 6. You can do the opposite in the weeks leading to the spring time change.

Stay extra vigilant on the road and pay more attention to your own driving. A decreased awareness of those around you and your own habits can lead to accidents. If you are involved in a car accident in Atlanta, reach out to our office. We are here for you and will explain your legal options to you so that you can make informed decisions.

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