The Atlanta car accident statistics can be staggering when considering the number of accidents compared to the number of residents in the city. An Atlanta car accident lawyer with Rafi Law Firm can help you just as they have helped hundreds of others who have suffered injuries from an Atlanta car accident. Don’t be just another statistic. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve.

atlanta car accident statistics

What are the Atlanta car accident statistics for 2023?

The City of Atlanta sees an average of 30,000 car accidents every year. In 2023, the Atlanta Police Department reported 28,278 accidents, down slightly from 29,938 crashes in 2022.

What’s behind all of those crashes?

It is essential to understand what causes this significant amount of Atlanta car accidents, whether minor fender benders or catastrophic crashes. Though many factors lead to these accidents, the following are some of the most common accidents.


People who use the highways often push the pedal to the metal, meaning they have less reaction time when someone cuts them off or must avoid a hazard. Atlanta drivers are notorious for speeding, especially on I-285 and I-20. The large volume of cars on these roads can lead to disastrous multi-car pileups when going over 70 mph.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is any behavior that pulls your attention away from the road. These distractions include eating, texting, turning around to talk to passengers in the backseat, putting on makeup, or reaching for something in another seat. These behaviors place other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Many visitors or those passing through the city are distracted by their GPS directions, causing them to miss important traffic changes in the area.

Drunk Driving

Despite the awareness campaigns, drivers continue to drive under the influence of alcohol. When drunk driving is combined with recklessness and speeding, these crashes often lead to fatalities.

Aggressive Driving

Being stuck in traffic can be a nightmare, but aggressive drivers make it so much worse. They run red lights, cut other drivers off, speed, tailgate, and create a scary and dangerous situation for the drivers around them.

Disregard For Traffic Laws

At many Atlanta intersections, drivers tend to speed right through yellow lights or run red lights, leading to severe accidents and catching innocent people in the crossfire. Driving over sidewalks to cut around other vehicles and making the wrong lane changes places bicyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers in danger.

What Types Of Damages Occur From Atlanta Car Accidents?

Unfortunately, with this number of motor vehicle accidents, victims are injured and suffer damages and losses. Atlanta doesn’t cap the damage awards in personal injury cases except for punitive damages. The following breaks down common damages that Atlanta personal injury victims experience and request in their claims.

Economic damages are easily verifiable expenses incurred from the accident. These include:

  • Medical expenses for hospital stays, doctor visits, physical therapy, medications, chiropractic care, and surgeries
  • Property damage for the cost of repairing or replacing personal property, such as a vehicle, computer, cell phone, clothing, luggage, or work equipment
  • Lost wages for any time missed at work due to the crash
  • Reduction in income if you must take a lower-paying position because you can’t perform the job duties of your previous position
  • Travel expenses associated with medical treatment

Non-economic damages are less tangible losses and are more subjective. These include:

  • Loss of companionship
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Permanent disability
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement

In some instances, you may also receive punitive damages. A judge or jury awards these to punish the egregious behavior of the defendant. These are not commonly awarded and typically require severe wrongdoing by the defendant. For instance, if someone were to suffer catastrophic damages or lose their life in an accident caused by a drunk driver, the judge may order the defendant to pay punitive damages to punish them and deter other drivers from committing a similar offense. Punitive damages have a cap of $250,000.

When You Are Ready To Understand Your Rights And Legal Options After An Atlanta Car Accident, Rafi Law Firm Is On Your Side

Atlanta car accident statistics show that they are common for the city’s residents. When you have been involved in an Atlanta accident, Rafi Law Firm is ready to fight for your rights and help you recover the compensation you deserve. We offer our clients free consultations to discuss the details of their car accident cases. Call us at (404) 800-9933 or reach us using our online contact form to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today.

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