atlanta shooting victim resources

Learning that a loved one has been shot is one of the most terrifying experiences anyone could ever have. Thankfully, there are resources for victims and their families in both Atlanta and throughout Georgia, so they can receive the support they need.

Atlanta shooting victim lawyer Mike Rafi would like to share some of these resources in hopes that they help you find the comfort you need during this trying time.

Mike may also be able to help you pursue compensation from those responsible for your suffering. If you would like to learn more, contact Rafi Law Firm online or call (404) 800-9933 for a free consultation.

Compensation for victims

There is a chance that a shooting victim can take legal action in the form of a negligent security case. However, to be successful, the victim must be able to prove that the property owner could have foreseen that a shooting could take place. You can do this by showing that the property owner knew about prior crimes on the property that were very similar to the shooting that injured you or your loved one.

You must contact an attorney as soon as possible because a timely investigation into the incident must be performed. Your attorney can speak with victims of any earlier crimes, witnesses, and employees of the property who could provide vital information that can show the property owner was aware that shootings were likely to occur on their property.


There are many different kinds of resources serving Atlanta and the entire state of Georgia that could be a significant help to you and your family. Here are just a few you may want to consider.

Victim helplines

  • Victim ConnectThis service can help you find mental health counseling and a wide range of other support services. Call (855) 4-VICTIM ((855) 484-2846) for more information.
  • Disaster Distress HelplineThe Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides this service for those suffering from emotional distress due to mass violence and other human-made and natural disasters. You can reach their hotline by calling (800) 985-5990.

Therapy for trauma and coping

The Crime Victims Advocacy Council (CVAC) serves communities throughout the state of Georgia, helping people find ways to rebuild their lives. The CVAC works to help those who are feeling overwhelmed and isolated through group discussions that can help them cope with their anxiety and fear.

atlanta shooting victim resources therapy

Self-help websites and mobile apps

Several online resources can provide a great deal of information on coping with the aftermath of a shooting.

  • American Counseling Association (ACA) – The ACA offers a wide range of articles that help people process their grief and anxiety following a shooting.
  • Everytown Support Fund (ESF) – The ESF has extensive helpful information for those affected by gun violence.
  • National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVMRC) – The NMVVRC provides important coping strategies, skills, and access to resources for crisis counseling, therapy, and more.
  • The Office for Victims of Crime offers the Transcend mobile app, which provides important resources to help victims mentally recover from a tragic event. These resources can show you how to cope with loss, manage disturbing thoughts, calm your body and mind, and much more.
  • The Virtual Hope Box is another app that provides help with coping, as well as positive thinking and relaxation exercises.

Community groups and organizations

Atlanta Victim Assistance, Inc. was first established in 1984 to serve as an advocate for shooting victims and their families. AVA support services include the following:

  • Gun violence prevention initiatives
  • Court advocacy
  • Workshops to help young people through their feelings of anger and grief

The Georgia Crime Victims Compensation Program helps cover the expenses associated with violent crimes for those who are eligible, including their medical bills, mental health counseling, funeral expenses, loss of support or income, and more. These are some of the eligibility requirements:

  • You either witnessed a violent crime or suffered an injury in this type of crime.
  • You were either present during the commission of a violent crime or were threatened with violence, and suffered significant emotional or mental trauma as a result.
  • You suffered an injury trying to help a violent crime victim.
  • You are the parent or guardian of a person who was injured or killed due to violence.
  • You lost the financial support of someone who died due to violence.

Learn more about how we may be able to help

Attorney Mike Rafi has an extensive amount of experience helping shooting victims and their families, as well as a long track record of success in these kinds of cases. You can schedule a free review of your case by either giving Mike a call at (404) 800-9933 or contacting Rafi Law Firm online.

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