In 2016, Derrick Coleman was arrested for hit-and-run. This year, he will be joining the Atlanta Falcons and making a comeback.

According to police reports, Coleman was driving 20 miles per hour over the speed limit in Seattle. He crashed into a vehicle, causing that vehicle to roll down a hill. The driver in that vehicle suffered injuries as a result of the collision. Coleman fled the scene.

When Coleman was located three blocks away, he was arrested and charged with felony hit-and-run and vehicular assault. He was originally facing up to 14 months in jail. Coleman admitted to smoking synthetic cannabis before the wreck. A blood test did not reveal any drugs in his system.

A first-time offender, the NFL player pled guilty. His charges were reduced to hit-and-run and gross-misdemeanor vehicular assault. He was sentenced by a judge to 240 hours of community service. He was also placed on supervision for a year and had to compensate the victim. Coleman only suffered a concussion in the accident.

Coleman didn’t only face legal repercussions. The NFL suspended him for four games. The player was a free agent last season and his suspension has been credited. Coleman will now be taking the field for the Falcons who said they know the type of man he is.

Perhaps less famous for his run-in with the law than for being the first player in the NFL who is bilaterally deaf, Coleman has paid for his crime and how he turns his life around remains to be seen. For now, the Falcons organization is happy to give him that chance.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a hit-and-run accident, you have rights. Reach out to our team of experienced Atlanta personal injury attorneys for assistance. We are happy to offer you a free consultation to discuss the details of your accident and advise you of your legal options.

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