can-a-truck-driver-be-fired-for-an-accident.jpgTruck accidents are common and can be very dangerous. Commercial trucks, such as tractor-trailers (or cargo trucks), tanker trucks, dump trucks, and more carry heavy loads and weigh much more than other vehicles on the road. Due to the sheer size and weight, severe damage can occur during truck accidents, including permanent injuries, excessive property damage, and even death.

Truck drivers can be fired for an accident, but an accident doesn’t guarantee that a truck driver will be fired. Whether or not a truck driver is fired for an accident depends on the details, including the severity of the damages, any injuries that occurred, and who is at fault.

Why Truck Drivers Get Fired After an Accident

A truck driver will likely be fired after an accident when it is mostly or all his or her fault and major damages have occurred.

The company that owns the vehicle and employs the driver can be held responsible for the driver’s actions. A truck driver that is in a contract-based partnership with the truck owner will likely have his or her contract terminated after a major accident that they are found responsible for.

What happens if a truck driver violates driving regulations? Find out here

Common Truck Accidents

Truck accidents differ from car accidents in the types of accidents that can happen. Since tractor-trailers and other large trucks run into different problems on the road, many types of truck accidents can occur, including:

  • Underride truck accidents, when a vehicle rolls underneath a tractor-trailer
  • Jackknife truck accidents, when a cab and tractor-trailer fold into a 90-degree angle, which can include multiple vehicles
  • Side-impact truck accidents, which often occur at stoplights and other intersections
  • Cargo accidents, when cargo falls out of a trailer and causes an accident with one or more vehicles
  • Head-on truck accidents
  • Rear-end truck accidents
  • Multi-vehicle truck accidents
  • Rollover truck accidents
  • Tire blowouts

These different types of truck accidents can produce a wide range of outcomes. Sometimes, these accidents can clump together during one severe accident, such as a rollover truck accident that causes a cargo accident involving multiple vehicles. The more severe the accident, the more likely the driver will be fired.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

Injuries that occur from a truck accident will help determine whether or not a driver will be fired after the accident. Truck accident injuries can be more severe than car accident injuries since trucks often weigh tens of thousands of pounds.

Some of the most common truck accident injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Head, neck, chest, shoulder, rib, and knee injuries
  • Emotional stress/psychological injuries

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, it’s important to see a doctor quickly. In cases of broken bones or severe injuries, seek medical attention immediately. In some cases, truck accident injuries can be ‘hidden’, so if you have any symptoms at all after a truck accident, see a medical provider.

To recover expenses due to injuries from a truck accident, adequate documentation and evidence are extremely important to your case. This can include treatment plans, equipment purchases, appointment information, bills, and more.

Recovering Damages from a Truck Accident

Damages that happen from a truck accident will play a large part in whether or not the driver will be fired or have his or her contract terminated after the accident. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident and need to recover significant damages, you may need to pursue a lawsuit to get all of the compensation you deserve.

Especially in cases with severe injuries, significant damages, and long-term consequences, a lawsuit is the best way to recover all of the damages you are entitled to by law. Sometimes, you may not know all of the types of damages that can occur and that you’ve been subjected to as a result of the accident. Common damages that are recovered after a truck accident include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and future wages
  • Vehicle and property damages
  • Pain and suffering and other non-economic damages
  • Wrongful death

Get Mike Rafi’s Help Recovering Truck Accident Damages

To recover damages in full, you’ll need the help of a top truck accident lawyer. Atlanta truck accident attorney Mike Rafi will help you get all of the compensation you deserve with a history of success and years of experience in a wide variety of truck accident cases.

Mike Rafi is not afraid to go up against big insurance companies and strong defense teams to win justice on your behalf. For a trusted lawyer to help you get the best results possible for your case, look no further than Mike Rafi.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Now

Get your free consultation with Mike by calling (404) 948-3311 or send our team a message now. We look forward to hearing from you and planning out your path to get the compensation you deserve.