mental health issues after a car accidentCar accidents can be frightening and devastating. Whether you’ve experienced physical damages, such as an injury or damage to your car, or emotional damages, such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life, you may be thinking about filing a lawsuit.

But can you claim mental health issues after a car accident? Yes. When a car accident causes you mental suffering and trauma, you are entitled to pursue legal action to recover damages. 

These types of damages are non-economic damages, which means it can be difficult to tie them to a monetary number. However, you can still receive financial compensation for your suffering by pursuing a legal claim.

Types of Mental Health Damages

When you think of damages from a car accident, physical damage or death is very common. But that doesn’t mean that those are the only type of damages that you can sue the at-fault party for. Car accidents can be extreme, traumatic, and life-changing, and mental health issues after a car accident are accounted for by law. 

Mental health damages are called general damages. General damages include pain, mental suffering, and emotional hardship. These types of damages may not be directly related to financial costs. There are a variety of conditions and types of mental pain and suffering, including:

  • Depression
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Damage to reputation
  • Humiliation and embarrassment
  • Grief
  • Anger

Mental distress and mental health issues after a car accident can have a range of negative effects on a person’s life. As long as it is proven that mental health impacts were caused by the accident, recovering compensation is possible. 

These mental conditions may cause a decreased quality of life or might hinder the person’s ability to perform their job the same way. Whatever the case may be for you, you’ll need medical proof, documentation, and evidence of your condition(s), which will be used to prove your mental health suffering that was caused by the accident.

When to Pursue Legal Action After a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, you’ll likely be dealing with insurance settlement offers outside of court, or you may be having difficulties deciding who is at fault and how much each person is at fault. If settlement offers do not cover your actual damages and expenses related to the accident, you may need to pursue legal action. If it is unclear who is at fault, legal action may also be necessary.

In addition to mental health issues, you may have had a wide range of damages after a car accident, especially if it was severe. You may have medical bills, lost wages, and damage to your car. Those losses, in addition to the general, non-economic damages like mental health issues, can be claimed in your lawsuit.

When serious issues or property damage occur, a death happens, it is unclear who is at fault, or insurance settlements don’t meet your needs, pursue legal action with a car accident lawyer.

Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

When using legal action to claim damages like mental health issues, you will need to put your best foot forward and hire a top car accident lawyer. The legal process can be confusing and complex. An Atlanta car accident lawyer will be able to direct you on the path to success in getting the compensation you deserve and will be ready to act in the event of a wide range of roadblocks. 

A car accident lawyer will help you prove the negligence and fault of the party who caused your pain and suffering, along with any other damages you claim. Your lawyer will help you gather evidence, analyze every aspect of your case, and stand up to the defense team.

Contact Rafi Law Firm for Your Free Consultation

Whether you want to claim mental health issues alone or with other types of damages, Mike Rafi is here to bring his experience and winning case history to fight on your behalf. Mike isn’t settled until justice is served.

Get started with a free consultation and case evaluation to learn your next steps forward with Mike Rafi. Schedule your free consultation today by calling 404-948-3311 or send Rafi Law Firm a message now!