You were in an accident that caused injury and other losses. You know someone else caused the incident and that it was due to negligence. Our clients often ask, “How do I know if I have a case and should take legal action?” The best way is to speak to our attorneys for help.

When you contact Rafi Law Firm, our Atlanta car accident lawyer will answer your questions after gathering information about your incident. Our goal is to fully understand what has occurred so we can give you insight into your best course of action.

how do I know if I have a case

How to be sure you have a case

You can take numerous steps to understand better if you have a personal injury claim or car accident case. Four core components will prove that you have a case in the eyes of the court.

  • Duty: The other party has the legal responsibility to keep you safe. For example, they acknowledged their responsibility to be safe by getting into a car to drive.
  • Breach: In some way, that person breached the duty of care. For example, they may have driven the vehicle intoxicated or engaged in reckless driving like speeding.
  • Causation: The direct result of that breach of their duty of care is what caused the injuries and losses you sustained. They hit your vehicle, and as a result of doing so, they caused your injuries.
  • Damages: You suffered financial damage, such as medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, or emotional distress.

To prove you have a case against the other party, you must show each of these elements was met. That seems challenging – and it can be – so hiring an attorney with experience proving negligence is crucial.

Does your accident meet the four factors of negligence?

When you work with our car accident lawyer in Atlanta, we aim to find all available evidence to show that this other party caused your injuries, and as such, they should be held responsible for the losses you have.

We do this in several ways:

  • The police report often places fault on the driver that caused the incident, outlining the case details.
  • Medical records may show the intoxication of the driver.
  • Photos and videos of the scene may indicate what occurred and why.
  • Witness statements can be a powerful tool in establishing the facts of the event.
  • Medical bills and doctor statements can provide proof of your injuries and other losses.

In each case, we aim to showcase what went wrong and why. We can then request that the responsible party’s insurance company pay all your damages. If that is not what they are willing to do, we will pursue financial compensation for you through a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

Even if you are still determining if you have a case or that it is necessary to pursue legal action, we encourage you to arm yourself with legal support.

Let our car accident attorney in Atlanta help you

If you ask, “How do I know if I have a case,” it is time to contact our legal team for clarification and guidance. You can learn if you have a case by contacting us for a free initial consultation, an opportunity to learn more about your case, and how our legal team can help you. Call us at (404) 800-9933 to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.