One small error in the police report can affect your compensation. What if the police officer mistakenly writes that you are to blame for the collision when you know you’re not at fault?

To make changes to your police report without risking any issues with filing your claim, it’s important to see legal assistance. An Atlanta car accident lawyer can help fix the report and make it easier to pursue compensation.

how do you fix an incorrect police report

What information is in a police report?

In general, a police report contains the following:

  • Weather conditions on the day of the accident
  • The date and time that the accident occurred
  • Insurance information, names, and vehicle information for each party involved
  • An opinion on who is responsible for the accident
  • A quick drawing with photos of what possibly happened
  • Details of all vehicle damage
  • A list of all injuries suffered by both parties that were involved in the accident
  • Official statements from both drivers
  • Witness statements
  • Traffic citations that any party received

What are the most common errors in police reports?

A police report is a huge part of any accident. They are considered legal documents that can make or break a lawsuit. Any problem with a police report can seriously affect insurance claims and the damages one can get back. Below are some of the most common errors.


These can occur if an office fails to write down important accident information normally included in police reports. Sometimes, important facts are missed, and even a minor omission can harm your claim.  For example, failing to state that a ticket was given or failing to document the correct address or time of day.

Errors in fact

If any of this factual information is incorrect, it must be corrected. For example, each car involved in the accident is a specific make and model. This kind of information must be accurate to get an estimated amount for damages.

Disputed facts

Disputed errors usually occur when the perspective of the accident differs from what is on the police report. You want these errors amended before the report is finalized. To amend it, you must contact the police officer, offer supporting evidence, and ask them to change the report.

Correcting a police report

So, how do you fix an incorrect police report? This can be done in a few ways, but it must be done shortly after it is finalized. However, there are a few things that you can do to change an incorrect report before it’s even filed.

Review the report at the scene

You can check over the report and ensure there are no errors before it’s finalized. Then, the officer can fix any issues on the stop to eliminate any legalities down the line.

Offer evidence for the mistakes you see

If you want to make corrections, they must be accurate. Having photographs, weather information, or any other proof of these mistakes will make changing things easier.

Get the help of a skilled car accident lawyer

If you need effective representation in your car accident claim, speak with Rafi Law Firm as soon as possible. Mike Rafi and his team have years of experience dealing with insurance companies and car accident claims.

Speak with a car accident lawyer today to fix your incorrect police report

A correct and completed police report is necessary for any legal claim. If there are disagreements with what the officer has noted on the official police report, it’s important to get the right help to support these changes.

At Rafi Law Firm, our skilled team of attorneys can advocate for you and help you amend your police report. If you have any questions about your report or the process of fixing errors, contact us to schedule a free consultation. Call (404) 800-9933 for more assistance.