Many factors are considered when determining who is at fault in a Georgia car accident. Sometimes, multiple parties can be liable for a motor vehicle collision. An Atlanta car accident lawyer can review the circumstances of your accident and determine who should be held responsible for your injuries and whether you may be eligible to receive compensation.

how is fault determined in a car accident

How to determine fault in a car accident

Fault is determined in a car accident by reviewing the details of your collision. These details are found in several pieces of evidence. Fault for your car accident may be found in the following:

  • The police report
  • Witness statements
  • Investigations of the scene
  • The condition of the vehicles involved
  • The weather and road conditions at the time of the accident

This information will be used to determine fault in a car accident. Several parties will review this information to assign or defend themselves from liability. In some instances, more than one party can be found responsible for your accident.

Who determines fault in a car accident?

Fault is determined in a car accident by the police and the insurance adjusters. The information in the police report will indicate who was responsible for your accident and whether any citations were issued. Then, the insurance adjuster will conduct a separate investigation to decide whether they agree with law enforcement’s determination.

How do police determine fault in an accident?

The police determine fault in an accident by examining the accident scene. They will look at evidence such as skid marks, the damage to the vehicles involved, and their locations to determine who was to blame. They will also interview the drivers and witnesses to the accident.

How do insurance adjusters determine who is at fault?

Insurance adjusters determine who is at fault in an accident by reviewing the police report. They will also get statements from the parties involved and any eyewitnesses. They will inspect the damage to the vehicles and the injuries suffered by those hurt in the accident.

What must be proven to establish fault in a car accident?

Georgia law requires that you demonstrate four legal elements to provenegligence in a car accident. These elements are the factors that show that someone’s negligence caused your injuries. To demonstrate someone else was at fault for your car accident, you must show the following elements:

  • A duty of care between the parties involved in the accident
  • A breach of that duty of care
  • Proximate causation that the breach caused your injuries
  • That you have damages as a result of the accident

If you can successfully demonstrate these elements, you are entitled to compensation for your losses. An experienced car accident attorney in Atlanta can help prove that someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. Contact us as soon as possible to discuss your options regarding the damages you may be eligible to collect due to the injuries you suffered in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence.

What should you do after a car accident?

After receiving prompt medical attention at the ER or Urgent Care, record all your medical expenses, doctor’s notes, and other documentation related to your injury. It is also wise to consult a car accident lawyer in Atlanta to help prove liability and fight for compensation for your injuries. Contact us at Rafi Law Firm by calling (404) 800-9933 for a free consultation to investigate your accident, determine who was at fault, and review your eligibility for financial compensation.