Home » FAQs » Should I get a lawyer for a car accident?

If you’ve been in a crash, you probably asked yourself, “Should I get a lawyer for a car accident?” It’s a smart question to ask and the answer depends on several different factors. 

Woman suffering whiplash after bad cars pile up

While not every car accident is a legal matter, many situations warrant hiring an experienced car accident lawyer. 


How to Know If You Should Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident

The following are all excellent reasons to hire legal representation:

  • You sustained a serious injury in the accident e.g. broken bones, head trauma, back injuries, etc. 
  • Someone died as a result of the car accident
  • The accident was not your fault
  • The accident was partially the fault of another party, or there is a dispute over who was at fault 
  • Your injuries may lead to long-term complications
  • Your injuries require medical treatment 
  • The accident will cause you to miss time at work 
  • Your car accident let you with physical pain and suffering, trauma, PTSD, loss of enjoyment of life, or other special damages 


If you are facing one or a combination of these conditions, a car accident lawyer will be able to help you fight for the compensation you deserve by filing a personal injury claim.  

The financial damages awarded in a successful car accident lawsuit can help victims get access to the resources they need to put their lives back together following a traumatic accident. 


When should I hire a lawyer after a car accident?

The first thing you should do after a car accident is seek medical attention and file a police report. Even if your injuries seem minor, it’s possible to develop long-term health complications. 

For example, many people who suffer from whiplash don’t realize that they can suffer chronic headaches and pain in the neck, shoulders, back, and jaws. These effects can last well into the future. 

After you’ve been seen by a medical professional, it’s best to get in touch with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. They can review the facts of your case and provide an estimate for what your case could be worth. 


Why Insurance Companies Aren’t On Your Side

It may come as a surprise, but insurance companies are not on your side. If you were in a car accident caused by another driver, their insurance company will likely contact you very quickly after the accident. It may seem like they’re just collecting details, but the fact is that they will do everything in their power to reduce your payout. 

Insurance companies use every trick in the book to avoid paying out money to car accident victims. Some common tactics our firm has seen insurance companies use include:

  • Delaying your car accident settlement
  • Offering low-ball settlement offers 
  • Leading you to believe they don’t have to cover medical expenses from the car accident
  • Devalue your settlement by not including all of your hospital bills 
  • Demanding a recorded statement following the accident and then using that to lower your settlement offer
  • Denying the claim outright
  • Downplaying the severity of your injuries 
  • Claiming your injuries were caused by pre-existing conditions


These are just some of the lengths insurance companies will go to get out of paying you what you deserve. It can seem overwhelming to have to negotiate with a big insurance company. Keep in mind that they are not on your side, and their main objective is to make money by maximizing their profits. 

Working with an experienced car accident attorney can level the playing field. Contacting one quickly after your accident is the best way you can give yourself a fighting chance of standing up to an insurance company and claiming the compensation you deserve. 


Work with an Experienced Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you’re still wondering, “Should I get a lawyer for a car accident?” don’t take your chances going it alone. Contact an experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer at the Rafi Law Firm today. Our lawyers will review your case free of charge, answer your questions, and outline your legal options.

Contact us today at 404-948-3311 to schedule your risk-free case evaluation. We look forward to speaking with you.