When you are out of work recovering from your injuries and have mounting medical bills and daily expenses that you can’t cover, it can be more than you can emotionally handle. You may think, “What if I can’t afford a lawyer?” Luckily, with the help of an Atlanta personal injury attorney with Rafi Law Firm working on your side, you can fully recover from your financial losses and put your focus on your physical recovery.

what if I cant afford a lawyer

Do I really need a lawyer? How do I justify the cost of hiring one?

It’s not legally required that you hire a personal injury attorney to pursue a personal injury case, but their experience is something you can’t afford to do without. Recovering compensation for the injuries you suffer will far outweigh the cost of an attorney, especially when you have experienced:

  • Bone fractures
  • Head injuries
  • Sprains
  • Burns
  • Scalds
  • Poisoning from toxic materials
  • Whiplash
  • Dislocated joints
  • PTSD
  • Anxiety

At Rafi Law Firm, our personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, helping you recover maximum compensation for the damages you suffered. You don’t owe anything unless and until we win your case.

I need an attorney but can’t afford one after calculating all my damages, so now what?

Suppose you were involved in a car accident. You likely suffered severe damages and may feel that one more added expense will throw you into financial difficulties. When you work with a car accident attorney in Atlanta, you can rest assured you won’t pay a penny until your case is won. Our team will seek total compensation for the damages such as:

  • Medical expenses, including doctor bills, hospital stays, surgeries, and prescription medications
  • Lost wages, including lost future earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Permanent disability
  • Embarrassing scarring or disfigurement

What do I do if I can’t afford an attorney but I need to prove someone was negligent?

An attorney plays a key role in proving someone else acted negligently, causing you to suffer personal injuries. Unless you have experience and legal knowledge, it can be difficult to prove the following on your own:

  • Duty – You must prove that the defendant had a duty to exercise a certain level of care to prevent you from suffering harm.
  • Breach – You must prove the defendant breached this duty of care by failing to meet the required standard of care.
  • Causation – You must prove that you suffered injuries due to the defendant breaching their duty of care.
  • Damages – You must prove that you have suffered considerable injury or damages that significantly affected your life.

While it is possible to gather the evidence needed and argue your case on your own, many rules and procedures in the courtroom could harm your ability to be successful. Hiring an attorney who works on contingency can ultimately pay for itself, allowing you to receive the experienced legal representation you need for the best possible outcome.

What happens if you can’t afford an attorney but can’t get the insurance company to compensate you?

When a car accident attorney works on your case, you will not need to worry about the costs. We work for our clients on contingency, so you do not need to pay anything for our services upfront unless we win. However, there may be other potential options available as well, such as:

Furthermore, older injury victims can work with the Elderly Legal Assistance Program when they cannot afford the costs of pursuing action against the at-fault party. It is very common for insurance companies to not pay out for the damages you suffered. It can be difficult to negotiate with them to come to a reasonable settlement amount. With the help of a skilled attorney, negotiations can be handled appropriately, and when needed, your attorney can take them to court after filing a lawsuit on your behalf.

Is Rafi Law Firm the answer to your personal injury problems?

When you have suffered an injury, you shouldn’t have to worry about how you will pay for an attorney to help you with your case. The attorneys at Rafi Law Firm work on a contingency basis, meaning we won’t be paid a dime until you win. Schedule a free consultation by calling (404) 800-9933 or using our free online contact form.

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