Being injured in an accident can lead to overwhelming medical expenses. However, the ability to pay the bills you receive for healthcare may not immediately be available. A lot of time can pass before the at-fault party covers the bills that demand attention.

Protecting your credit becomes a tremendous concern when medical debt is accumulating. What is a letter of protection? Let’s examine why you should turn to an Atlanta personal injury attorney to take action for you.

what is a letter of protection

What is a letter of protection from an attorney?

A letter of protection covers the injured party in an accident when medical bills for services rendered are due. A personal injury attorney in Atlanta provides this correspondence as notification to creditors that a personal injury case is pending. It states the payments will be sent from compensation that may be recovered from a lawsuit and provides an avenue for needed medical care to continue.

Is a letter of protection legally binding?

This letter is legally binding and serves as legal notice to the entities you owe. It provides some breathing room, pausing the responsibility of paying medical bills and allowing time to build your case. More importantly, it allows you to focus on recovery and medical care. Rafi Law Firm can navigate the process, removing the stress and crafting a letter of protection for you.

Is paying for medical expenses out-of-pocket a better option?

You may hold responsibility for your medical bills in the end. Still, our team can advise on whether it is better to let the insurance companies work out payment for the medical expenses or to go ahead and pay them. Our job is to strategically negotiate with the insurance company to seek the best compensation based on the total damages owed to you.

How long will it take for insurance to pay my expenses?

When the insurance company offers a fair settlement for your damages, the compensation timeframe is decreased and may take as little as a few months. However, settling may take longer in accidents, resulting in more severe injuries. The at-fault party’s insurance company may not accept responsibility for your expenses.

That’s where we provide proof to substantiate your claim. We strive for negotiation to reach a fair settlement for the damages. Going to court may be necessary even though it extends the time before receiving any potential compensation.

Will a letter of protection benefit me when my injuries are extensive?

A letter of protection allows you to continue receiving the care you need. It also provides a comprehensive understanding of what type of follow-up treatment plan you may need. Your medical care team will need to assess whether you have achieved maximum medical improvement (MMI), allowing our team at Rafi Law Firm to calculate the current costs for your medical care and future expenses based on your prognosis.

Is settling with the insurance company better than waiting to understand my prognosis?

It may feel less overwhelming to settle and be done with everything and move on with life when negotiating personally with insurance companies and billing departments pressing you into action and decisions. However, once a claim is settled, it cannot be reopened. If your treatment continues or any health issues arise from your injuries after settling, it is up to you to pay for the care you need. Contact us through our online form or by calling (404) 800-9933 to arrange a free consultation and learn more today.

Will working with an Atlanta personal injury attorney simplify the process?

Rafi Law Firm is recognized for our helpfulness, and we understand while compensation is critical, removing the stress to allow you time to recover is paramount to the process. Schedule a free online or phone consultation at (404) 800-9933.