personal injury claim after a car accidentWhen you get injured in an accident, you face high medical bills and damage to your car and personal belongings. You also lose income by missing work to go to doctors’ appointments. 

Thankfully, you can make a personal injury claim after a car accident that was not your fault. 

It all starts with learning how to make a claim and contacting a personal injury lawyer at Rafi Law Firm for help. Feel free to visit our Personal Injury FAQ for more expert answers.


The First Step: Collect Evidence

The first thing you should do after getting into any type of accident is move to safety when possible. That means pulling your car to the side of the road out of traffic or retreating to an area where you won’t get hurt again.

Next, if you’re in a car, call the cops so they can take a police report. Then, collect the other drivers’ information. This information includes their name, telephone number, insurance company and policy number, and vehicle description. 

Also, collect witness statements and take photographs of the surroundings, your injury, any damage to your belongings, and the cars. Note if there are any surveillance or traffic cameras around.

If you were in a different type of accident, such as a slip and fall, you still need to take photographs, get witness statements, and collect the information of anyone who may be responsible, such as a property owner.


The Second Step: Get Medical Treatment

Whether you plan to make a personal injury claim after a car accident or a slip and fall, it’s important to go to the hospital as soon as possible. That way, you can get evaluated and treat your injuries so that they don’t get worse. 

You should get X-rays done to make sure there are no internal injuries and follow your doctor’s orders. Take any medication they prescribe you and go to any specialists they refer you to. Failure to follow instructions inhibit your recovery and can hurt your claim. 


The Third Step: Call a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you get into an accident, the person who was responsible is going to call their insurance company. Then, their insurance company is going to get in touch with you. When they call, try to be as brief as possible. If you reveal too much, they could find a way to pin the accident on you to avoid giving you a settlement.

If they can’t find a way to blame you, they’ll still try to give you much less than you deserve.

That first settlement offer may seem like a lot of money, but the truth is that your injuries could get much worse over time. A personal injury lawyer will fight for you to get the settlement you need to pay your bills and get some much-needed peace of mind.

That’s why it’s important to start a personal injury claim after a car accident with an experienced personal injury lawyer. When you call, have the details of your case and evidence on hand so that you can give it to your lawyer.

If you need help collecting your police and medical records along with surveillance or traffic cam footage, they’ll do that for you. They will also negotiate with the insurance company so you don’t have to get involved. 

And the best part? You don’t pay a personal injury lawyer a dime until you get your settlement. Since personal injury lawyers work on contingency, they will only take on cases they believe they can win.


The Fourth Step: Continue Getting Treatment

Your injury is not going to go away overnight, which is why it’s critical to keep getting treatment until you are 100% recovered. As for your medical bills, you can go through your insurance or use the lien system through your lawyer.

Personal injury lawyers have a network of providers they team up with who will treat their clients. A medical lien means you won’t have to pay anything up front. Once your settlement comes in, some of that money will be paid out to providers for the healthcare services rendered.


The Fifth Step: Settle Your Case, But Never Just Settle

Rely on your lawyer to make a claim, try to settle, and negotiate. If not, file a lawsuit. They will reach out to the insurance company and attempt to negotiate a settlement for you. You can always turn down the first settlement and the lawyer will renegotiate as requested. Typically, these cases don’t end up going to trial.

If you’ve been injured, start your personal injury claim after a car accident as soon as you can. Then, you’ll have a shot at getting the compensation you deserve and moving forward with your life. Call Mike now at 404-948-3311 or send us a message now to schedule your free consultation.