By partnering with an Atlanta car accident lawyer from Rafi Law Firm, you can receive substantial compensation for your damages. We have some answers if you’re wondering about the amount of an average car accident.

average car accident settlement

What is the average settlement for a car accident?

The particular factors of a car accident affect the potential settlement amount. Since every car accident is different, the influence of those factors varies from case to case, so presenting an average amount is impossible.

Still, there are elements common to most car accident settlements. You can expect your car accident attorney to seek coverage for your medical costs, income loss, property damage, other accident-related accident expenses, and financial acknowledgment of your pain and emotional distress.

What is the average settlement for a minor car accident?

The thing about “minor” car accidents is that they aren’t always as minor as they seem. Those are good signs if you can drive your car from the scene and aren’t experiencing severe pain. However, you must still seek medical care and have your car checked out.

The effects of some injuries take a few hours or a day to show. Adrenaline can hide symptoms or become apparent as you move on with your day. The same goes for car damage.

Be sure to see a doctor to protect your health and document injuries that may not be immediately obvious. And, have a mechanic give your car a thorough exam as well. You still face the potential of medical and property damage costs and wage loss during recovery time and for accident-related anxiety to set in.

What is the average pain and suffering settlement in a car accident?

Georgia does not cap settlement amounts for pain and suffering. Your car accident lawyer in Atlanta can argue the value of losses that do not come with a concrete price tag. The team at Rafi Law Firm has experience assessing and arguing for fair compensation for pain and suffering. Among other points established in the Georgia Civil Jury Instructions 66.501, your attorney will emphasize how the accident and injuries have affected your:

  • Ability to move through daily activities
  • Enjoyment of life
  • Physical abilities and experience with pain
  • Psychological well-being

Is there an average settlement for a soft-tissue-injury car accident?

Injuries to soft tissue – muscles, ligaments, and tendons–are not uncommon in car accidents. These injuries can cause swelling, bruising, pain, and other damage. To heal, these injuries typically require rest, immobilization of the affected area, and other interventions, including elevation, injections, compression, and possibly surgery.

The settlement you receive will depend on the severity and consequences of the injury.

Is there an average settlement for a car accident back and neck injury?

Car accident victims often sustain back injuries and neck injuries, specifically whiplash, even in “minor” accidents. The jolt from impact can cause the head to jerk back and forth, straining the neck, causing back muscles to seize, or damaging vertebrae or intervertebral discs.

The damage sustained can be long-lasting or permanent, affecting your ability to work, move through a typical day, or take care of family and household responsibilities. Your car accident attorney in Atlanta will take all losses into account when demanding a settlement.

Schedule your free case review today

To better understand the settlement you may be entitled to, call (404) 800-9933 to schedule a free consultation. A skilled, compassionate Atlanta car accident lawyer will review your case and present you with your options. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you secure the settlement you deserve.