After a truck accident, it’s important for the driver to fill out a truck accident report form. Where to find this form will depend on the company you work for, as many companies have specific forms they want their drivers to complete.

A commercial truck driver should always be prepared with accident report forms on them, as well as the supplies needed in case of an accident, such as reflective triangles and a high visibility vest. The reason it’s so important to have one on sight is that you’ll need to document the accident as completely as possible as quickly as possible after it happens.

Although commercial trucks accidents are most often caused by passenger vehicles, the amount of damage they can cause means that everyone involved will try to protect themselves from liability.

It’s in the driver’s best interest to take the best notes as possible, potentially even taking witness statements. Truck drivers will often have additional responsibilities if they are carrying dangerous or flammable cargo. If you are involved in an accident and do not have a truck accident report form to fill out, you should record as much of the information as possible to transfer to the form later.

An Atlanta truck accident attorney can help you process the accident report after the incident.