Nearly all lawyers offer a free first appointment, also known as a consultation. These meetings involve you describing your case to a licensed personal injury attorney and learning about the basics of what to expect from a legal proceeding.

Most consultations come with a number of privileges. For instance, at Rafi Law Firm you are never obligated to hire us or to use our services just because you came in for a consultation. The questions you ask and the statements you make are always protected by attorney-client privilege.

Before your consultation, it is important to come with a list of questions and an open mind. There are many myths and misunderstandings about the legal process that hinder your ability to make the best decisions. During your appointment, an Atlanta car accident lawyer will work to answer your questions and dispel these myths.

To help you prepare for your case review, here are the most crucial things to remember before attending a legal consultation with an Atlanta car accident lawyer.

Your Appointment Always Starts with the Lawyer Listening

Lawyers act on information. To offer you the most thorough case review possible, your appointment will start with brief introductions before launching into your description of your case.

The attorney will want to know as much about the accident as possible. 

Every personal injury and car accident case is unique, but most have a few basic traits in common. To get to the bottom of these traits, it will help if you can clearly explain:

  • Your injury
  • How and when the injury occurred
  • Who you think may be at fault, and why
  • Any relevant side factors, such as whether you were at work or you knew the defendant
  • The general scope of your losses, including medical bills, lost wages, etc.
  • Your goal with filing the case

Since you want to get the most out of your appointment, it helps to be brief and to focus on the most important details. You can feel free to be completely honest – your meetings with your attorney are always confidential.

Your Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer Describes the Process

Many car accident claims can be settled through a relatively straightforward process.

The attorney will describe how the process works if your case involves a claim with an insurance company. You will learn about the possible outcomes and what factors can delay or complicate your ability to receive compensation.

Even if the case has to advance to a lawsuit, you can expect a certain chain of events to happen before the trial starts and ultimately ends. Your attorney will describe what happens if you file a lawsuit, either instead of or after an insurance claim. The trial process is complex, but it usually follows a predictable set of steps.

Your case might be unique or more complicated than the typical case – and there’s no such thing as predicting the future. Even still, it helps to hear the basics of how a case like yours can be handled.

Telling you about the legal process prepares you for the road ahead when you pursue your case. It also lets you know how much work is involved so that you can make an informed decision that’s in your personal best interest.
Personal Injury Law Consultation

Learning Your Role and Responsibilities

Clients don’t sit passively by while their attorney handles their personal injury case behind the scenes. Instead, they must perform several crucial tasks, most importantly being examined by a licensed doctor and following doctor’s orders.

The attorney you meet with will explain the importance of visiting the doctor regularly, not missing scheduled appointments, and being careful about discussing your case with anyone other than your lawyer. 

Your attorney will also explain the importance of being truthful and transparent throughout the process. If you think your case might progress to an insurance claim or a lawsuit, you will learn about the deadlines and what you need to do to prepare for them.

Your Potential Atlanta Car Accident Attorney’s Qualifications

Ask your attorney if they’ve successfully handled cases similar to yours. This is a very important moment for you.

You want a lawyer who is a good fit, which usually means someone who has handled cases similar to yours. The law firm you work with should have a history of winning cases and a reputation for good customer service. The attorney you work with should be respected by their peers, especially professionals who work in the court system.

During your appointment, don’t just listen to your lawyer’s resume, awards, and credentials. Try to get a feel for how attentive they are, how well they work with your style of learning, and how comfortable they make you feel. 

You want a lawyer who you can trust will increase your chances of a positive case outcome. At the same time, you want someone who you would enjoy working with and who gives you the sense that you are in good hands.

Answering Your Personal Questions

You will likely come to your consultation with very specific questions about how the law works, what you can expect from the personal injury claims/lawsuit process, and what your best legal strategy might be.

Try to review any information available before your appointment so that you can ask the most specific questions possible. The Rafi Law Firm website has a legal blog you can read and a glossary of common legal terms used in the personal injury law field.

It’s a great idea to write your questions down before your appointment. That way, you can not only be prepared to read them, but you can also potentially hand them to the attorney to answer at a later date if you intend to start working together.

Book a Consultation 

Because your first appointment is free and there’s no obligation to work with us after, you have nothing to lose by booking a consultation at the Rafi Law Firm. You will be informed of all your rights and become more aware of what the road ahead could look like once you start pursuing your case.

Start the process, and speak with an experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer when you call 404-800-1156 or contact us online to schedule a free case review appointment today.

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