Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon was quickly becoming a staple in the lives of many Americans by providing the convenience of same or one day delivery for almost any item imaginable. In 2019, Amazon surpassed Wal-Mart as the largest retailer in the world. During COVID-19, more and more Americans became reliant upon Amazon to deliver basic household necessities, further fueling Amazon’s rapid growth, and the company reportedly increased its fulfillment capacity by 50 percent in 2020. In order to achieve such a drastic increase in fulfillment capacity, this meant additional warehouse space, delivery stations, and most importantly – drivers. This means more Amazon delivery vehicles are on the roads of Atlanta, and with that comes an increased risk of being involved in an accident with an Amazon vehicle. The convenience Amazon offers to consumers has led to strict quotas of package deliveries, rushed schedules, drivers working increased hours or working without breaks, and sometimes unqualified or untrained drivers delivering packages. A 2019 investigation by Buzzfeed and ProPublica found that Amazon had been named as a Defendant in over 100 lawsuits as a result of accidents caused by its delivery drivers, including at least 6 cases where a person was tragically killed. The investigation estimates that these numbers are grossly underreported as many accidents do not result in a lawsuit and do not include the massive increase in Amazon’s fulfillment capabilities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why is it important to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer for my accident with an Amazon delivery vehicle?

Although the majority of vehicles used by Amazon for its deliveries are less than 10,000 pounds, which takes the vehicles out of the purview of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, crashes involving Amazon delivery vehicles share many similarities with trucking crashes. Amazon’s delivery network has rapidly expanded in part because of Amazon’s use of third-party delivery drivers that are employed by a company other than Amazon. A New York Times investigation in 2019 detailed Amazon’s use of delivery service partners and how Amazon had structured its agreements with those delivery service partners in an attempt to escape liability for crashes involving its deliveries. Despite their agreements with delivery service providers, Amazon still maintains a significant level of control over how your packages are delivered. That’s one of the reasons it’s very important to hire an experienced personal injury firm like Rafi Law Firm to handle your accident with an Amazon delivery vehicle. Rafi Law Firm is experienced at handling complex personal injury cases and uncovering every source of recovery for its clients. We have a track record of ensuring that all responsible parties pay their fair share in order to maximize the recovery for our clients.

Accidents involving Amazon delivery vehicles can result in serious injuries or death. Despite Amazon delivery vehicles not being the size of traditional UPS or FedEx vehicles, the vehicles are still larger than your everyday passenger car. When combined with the pressure placed upon the drivers to meet Amazon’s delivery deadlines, the effects of an accident with one of these vehicles can be catastrophic. Time is of the essence if you are involved in an accident with an Amazon delivery vehicle. A lawyer will need to preserve all relevant evidence related to the crash in order to obtain the best possible recovery for their client. If you have been involved in an accident with an Amazon delivery vehicle, call Rafi Law Firm at 404-800-1156 for a free consultation to discuss your case.

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