It’s a fairly common occurrence to get into a car accident where no one gets ticketed. Thousands of car accidents happen daily and for multiple reasons, tickets aren’t issued for many of them.

However, in car accidents where no one gets ticketed, it can be very unclear if one driver was more at fault than the other. Police reports and traffic citations are often used as evidence in personal injury claims, and you may be wondering if you can still seek damages.

If you were in a car accident and neither you nor the other party received a citation, you still might have grounds to pursue compensation via a personal injury claim. The best way to move forward with your claim is to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer who can advise you of your legal options.

Why Didn’t The Police Issue A Ticket After The Accident?

There can be a variety of reasons why a ticket is not issued. The absence of a ticket does not necessarily mean that nobody was at fault, it just may have been unclear at the scene of the accident who was responsible for the crash.

Some common reasons why tickets aren’t issued include:

  • The police can’t prove that one party was speeding
  • Both drivers consented to a chemical test and neither driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • There was no evidence of a traffic law violation when the crash occurred
  • Neither party was rear-ended

Even when police are called to the scene of an accident, it’s not required that they issue a ticket. Often, unless the police themselves see the accident occur, there’s no way for them to concretely prove exactly what happened. If no laws were broken and the police can’t determine what happened, it’s likely that both parties involved will walk away without a ticket.

Proving Fault In A Atlanta Car Accident

If you were involved in a car accident where no one got ticketed, you may have lost hope of receiving a settlement for your injuries. However, this is where an experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer can step in to help.

Even if the police could not immediately identify the cause of the accident, that doesn’t mean the other party wasn’t liable. If you have sustained serious injuries and are facing a mountain of medical bills, you must know you have the right to pursue a personal injury claim.

Although police reports and tickets help prove liability in a car accident, they’re not the only pieces of evidence that can be used to prove liability. Our experienced car accident lawyers can conduct a thorough investigation to determine who was at fault in your car accident.

By interviewing witnesses, reviewing available footage, and working with accident reconstruction specialists, our team can work to establish fault and negligence. Car accident attorneys are highly skilled in demonstrating negligence using a wide variety of strategies, so don’t feel discouraged if the other driver in the accident was not ticketed.

Our Firm Can Help

Our experienced attorneys can help you even if you were in an accident where no one was ticketed. No matter the situation, our experienced car accident lawyers can advise you on your legal options.

Medical bills, lost wages, and other losses stemming from an accident can have a serious impact on your life. Work with our legal team to pursue just compensation to cover these damages.

Call us at 404-800-1156 to schedule your risk-free case evaluation today.

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