A young woman working on the set of the film “Midnight Rider,” depicting the life of Greg Allman, was killed when a train came down a set of tracks she was working on. It was discovered that the film crew did not have permission to be working on that section of tracks. Her parents filed a civil wrongful death lawsuit, and a jury came back with an $11.2 million verdict on July 17, 2017.

The accident occurred in February 2014 and criminal charges were filed as a result. The director of the film was charged with involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespassing. He accepted a plea deal to avoid having his wife and business partner charged with any criminal activity. The director was sentenced to two years in jail followed by eight years of probation. He was released from jail in March 2016, prior to serving his full term. He was also fine $20,000.

The jury attributed fault to several different parties: CSX; the director; Ryonier; a first assistant director; the director’s business partner; and the producer were all found to be liable for the accident in some percentage. Each will share in paying a portion of the award. The woman’s parents said in a statement that a number of issues were brought up in the civil trial, showing that CSX Transportation has problems that need to be corrected.

If a loved one has been killed as the result of someone else’s actions or negligence, reach out to our experienced Atlanta wrongful death attorneys. We will review your case at no cost to you or your family and advise you of your legal options.

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